Of course "breast is best." It's normal. But what do you do when it doesn't work? Valiantly try to soldier on because it is expected, becoming more and more stressed and anxious as the days go by, or do you face the wrath of the breastapo and bottle feed?
Well guess what? It is YOUR BABY and YOUR CHOICE!
For me personally, I can't understand why a woman who IS capable of breastfeeding would go to the expense and extra work of formula feeding. The stuff is expensive, even more so when you take into account buying all the equipment that goes with it. And then there's the extra washing up! But each to their own. In Australia today, infant formula is a safe and acceptable way to feed babies. Breast is best is the catchcry, but that doesn't mean formula is worst.
Another thing I don't understand, is that as soon as anyone mentions infant feeding, super defensive comments from both sides appear, and the arguments start. Why do we do this to ourselves?! It makes no difference to any of us that another woman chose something different for her baby. There is no point to prove here. Mind your own business and concentrate on yourself.
And never, ever feed your baby in public. If you breastfeed a baby in public, you are an exhibitionist flashing yourself for attention, or a filthy grub who should go and hide in a toilet to do that disgusting thing! If you whip out a bottle, you are a terrible, selfish mother who obviously doesn't have her child's best interests at heart because you chose that evil formula. Whichever way you feed, you are the subject of ridicule.
Women! STOP. Just stop this crap. And make sure your partners do to. This feeding war is not doing anyone any favours, least of all our babies. The risks and benefits of both methods are well known, and easy to find. Make your choice based on those, and what works best for you and your child, and don't let anyone bring you down.
Make your decision and own it. It's nobody else's business.
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